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Posted by: Sasuke_uchiha
08-14-2020, 05:53 PM
Forum: Server Discussion
- Replies (7)

So as barrels are dangerous AF. Decided to use:

We called barrels 'explosive barrels' what should we call these boxes. 

40 is the limit for boxes' permission.

15-second wait before you can drop another one. 

These slow you do a little bit;
slowmo box?

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Posted by: Sasuke_uchiha
07-28-2020, 05:32 PM
Forum: Server Discussion
- Replies (31)

Suggest the bot names, you may suggest multiple names as well. Then elections would take place for the best name. The bot winning the elections would be our bot for the next version.

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Posted by: aQuaNight
07-25-2020, 02:32 PM
Forum: Announcements & Info
- No Replies

Hey there.

Starting from today Mini-Missions is back in Hosted Tab.
Server IP: or

You can also follow us in Social Media.

Facebook Community:
Facebook Group:
Instagram Page:

Best Regards,
Mini Missions.

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Posted by: Sasuke_uchiha
07-22-2020, 07:11 PM
Forum: Server Discussion
- Replies (13)
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Posted by: aQuaNight
07-17-2020, 10:20 AM
Forum: Announcements & Info
- No Replies

Hey there.

We would like to remind you that we also have our Discord channel.

If you have any questions regarding Discord channel - feel free to PM me or @King_Bert

Best Regards,
Mini Missions.

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Posted by: aQuaNight
07-17-2020, 07:34 AM
Forum: Announcements & Info
- No Replies

Hey there.

Welcome to Mini-Missions

Right now we are having Temporary IP address which is:

If you played Mini-Missions during 2019-2020 years - your data are saved and you can log in using your Nickname and Password.

Once you join server while aQuaNight on it OR If aQuaNight joins server with players on it - everyone gets Free VIP for 1 day. Even If you already received VIP and it expired - you will get Free VIP again once you find me on server.

This discount will be available until we set up New server with Hosted tab.

Thank you for staying with Mini-Missions.

Best Regards,
Mini Missions.

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Posted by: Sasuke_uchiha
07-17-2020, 01:45 AM
Forum: Announcements & Info
- No Replies

Rules Guide!
Here's a complete guide on rules, that would we staff would keep updating.

Server Rules
Chat Rules:
  • Flaming: You shouldn't start useless wars/fights in the chatbox. Arguing on something with your something useful is not counted as flaming, although starting useless fights with admins on rules that are already explained well is also part of this.
  • Swearing: Swearing doesn't get you anywhere in your arguments, swearing usually has a bad impact on what you say. So it's suggested that you shouldn't be swearing all the time. 
  • Insulting: Please avoid insulting, it's not allowed. A sentence/phrase might not be considered as an insult until the one you talked about reports about it. 'Noob' word is not an insult. [/color]
  • Flooding/Spamming:
    • You shouldn't keep on saying the same thing again and again.
    • Wait until someone replies or your messages have crossed the current page of the chatbox.
    • Examples
  • Racism: Please avoid any kind of racism, it's against the rules.
    Racism could be of different types, such as;
    • Color
    • Religion
    • Nationality/Country
    • Culture
    • Etc.
  • Advertisement: Advertisement is not allowed, strict actions would be taken against advertisers.
    This includes an advertisement in;
    • Main Chat
    • PM's (In some cases)
    • VIP Chat
    • Team Chat
    • and Wating Chat
  • What's counted as an advertisement? And what's not? Well here is everything.
    • Allowed:
      • Server Name.
      • Type of game mode.
      • Info about it.
    • Disallowed:
      • Server IP.
      • Server Website.
      • Forums Link.
      • Facebook/Twitter accounts/pages.
      • IRC Channel.
      • Discord.
      • Teamspeak.
      • OR Any other thing relatead to server.
    • Examples

Gameplay Rules:
  • Blocking: You are not allowed to block the objective or checkpoint with the vehicles you bought from the shop. Using normal vehicles that are already placed on the map, to stop the objective from getting stolen is not considered part of this rule.
  • Team-jacking: Jacking your team player is known as team jacking. The script doesn't allow it but there are still chances that this might happen. Jacking your team player is not allowed. Although You are allowed to jack back your vehicles, that you bought from the shop.
  • Team-Killing: You can not damage your team players. Still, you are not allowed to attack your teammates. Attacking a teammate will still play the animation for that player. This can be annoying and even get your teammate killed. So remember 'Friendly fire won't be tolerated'.
  • Spawn-killing: Spawn-killing is not allowed. You are not allowed to go at other teams spawn, start killing them again and again. Wait for them to get out of their spawn location.
  • Base Rape: Base rape is also not allowed. What is base rape? When someone starts spawn-killing with vehicles such as Hydra / Hunter / Tanks or even a Sea-Sparrow is considered as base rape.
  • Pausing: Pausing is not allowed, when it's used to avoid or abuse something.
    • Allowed:
      • When You are dead.
      • Races
      • Team Death Match / Death Match
      • Bombing / Stealing / Collecting
    • Disallowed
      • Pausing on Spawn.
      • Other team's area.
      • No Respawn TDM/DM.
      • Derbies.
      • While falling, on fire, etc.
      • Any case to avoid death.
  • Hacking / Cheating: Hacking and cheating is not allowed. By this, you can get an unfair advantage and the only punishment for this is a BAN. These two things are not allowed in any case.
  • Scamming: Scamming is part of the game, although admins never support scamming. Involving admins in a scam can lead to a ban.
  • Mods: You are allowed to use skins mods, model mods, and more until they give you an advantage in any way. If you are suspected of a mod that gives you an advantage somehow, you may get banned for it. It's important to check what kind of mod you are going to use. IMPORTANT THREAD! <- You should read this thread, before using mods. And if not sure about a mod you can open a thread about it, here -> CLICK ME <- to ask help from others whether it's allowed or not.
    • Skin: You can use skin mods unless it gives you an unfair advantage like making your character taller, thinner, shorter, or even a huge object than it is. Because by this you might be able to slip through places you can't normally.
    • Weapon: Weapon mods are allowed until they have any change in the damage they do or have something like auto bullet movement as it would be like have aimbot. Textures for weapons are allowed, a new type of gun for like AK-47 has a new rocket launcher skin, but the aim area/size and bullet should not be changed along with damage.
    • Vehicle: You can use vehicle TEXTURE mods but not the ones which turn your car into a hydra and mods which turn a huge tanker into a small RC vehicle making people hardly being able to damage you when you're driving a truck, as they aim for the big thing, whilst you are in a small one.
    • Aim-bot: Aim-bot is not allowed in any way. And will result in a Ban.
    • Key Binders: Key Binders are allowed, but be sure not to break the Spamming/Flooding Rule.
    • HUD: You can use HUD mods since it doesn't give you an unfair advantage.
    • Animations: You can use animation mods like dancing, sitting, etc. mods but not parkour mods and other mods which give you an unfair advantage. Using Animation mods in missions that script doesn't allow would be considered as rule-breaking and could result to ban.
    • Graphics and texture: Graphic and texture mods like ENB series are allowed.
    • Cleo: You are not allowed to use Cleo mods at all (unless it's an animation mod). You can ask before using any other Cleo mod in the following section; SERVER DISCUSSIONS
  • Abusing: Any kind of abuse is not promoted and in some cases not allowed, what's allowed and what's not?
    • Allowed:
      • 2-Shoot: Changing of weapon to avoid reload, that's allowed even in case of sawn-off. This can be like shoot->Change weapon->Change Weapon Back->shoot. This is used by almost every player in SA-PM without even knowing.

    • Disallowed:
      • C-Bug: C-Bug is not allowed, and can even result to ban. C-Bug gives you a lot of advantages over others and is not easy to perform.
      • C-Crouching: Pressing C after shooting, will make you crouch and then you can shoot again. It's not like C-Bug as with C-Bug you can shoot a lot faster.
      • C to Cancel Animation: Pressing C once to cancel animation and run away, that gives you an advantage over the other player as he is still in the animation and could be stabbed easily by this. C to cancel animation is like preforming C-Bug once.
      • Slide Bug: Slide bug is also not allowed, you move a lot faster than normal.
      • G-Abuse: G-Abuse helps you prevent damage, so it's unfair.
      • Ninja Jacking: Ninja jacking is also not allowed, you can kill someone unfairly.
      • Script Bug: If there is a scripting bug, instead of using it, again and again, to take advantage of it. Report it on forums. If you think this could be abused for more empowerment better PM the owner about it.
      • Commands Abusing: You are not allowed to abuse commands like /shop, this also contains any VIP abusing.
    • Teaming: Teaming is allowed in missions, where are already teams. Missions like Free For All / Last Man Standing does not allow teaming, teaming in these missions can lead to a warning or even ban.
    • Camping: Camping is never supported, this makes the gameplay boring. Camping is considered camping in a different situation. Waiting in one place for your enemy more than 1 game min would be counted as camping and could be punished for it.

    Universal Rules
    • Use Common Sense/Respect Admins decision: Please use your common sense for what's not here, as admins might use common sense for punishment. So don't cry later about it.
    • Situation: Rules might differ according to the situation.

    Forum Rules
    • Signatures:
      • Signatures maybe 750 pixels in width and 150 in height.
      • Signatures may NOT contain annoying GIF stuff like flashing colors all over them. This makes the forum unreadable.
      • Please make sure the signature does not contain any stuff that makes the forum unreadable. Flashy colors, quick flashing stuff, that sort of stuff. If you want an animated signature with different pictures, use a normal fade of 1 second.
      • Signatures may be 150kb maximum.
        750 x 150
    • Avatars:
      • Avatars may be 150 x 150 pixels.
      • Avatars may also not contain stuff that makes the forum unreadable (flashy colors etc etc etc).
      • Avatars may be 50kb (although the forum says 200kb, try to keep it as low as possible).
        150 x 150
    • Double Posting: You are not allowed to double post. Edit your post, if your post is the last post on a thread and was last posted less than 24 hours. After 24 hours you are allowed to post on that thread again if no one replied. If it's important info you may double post.
    • Flooding/Spamming:
      • You should wait for others to reply, don't SPAM for asking answers.
      • Use normal writing as it has a better impact on a thread, gives a decent look instead of FLASHING color and Huge size, or CAPS-LOCK ON all the time.
      • Answers should be related to the thread, useless answers would be considered as SPAM.
      • Posting in Sticky posts, MM games, the off-topic posts gallery, and few other posts are not considered as thread bumping.
      • Re-posting/Reporting the same post or thread.
      • If you are gonna report something, use search or look of if anyone else posted it or not.
      • Do not make separate threads for a single picture. There are sticky threads where you can already post them in.
    • Flaming: Please try to avoid flame wars.
    • Porn: You should not share anything related to porn on forums at all.
    • Insulting: You are not allowed to insult, and the criteria for insulting are the same as in server rules.
    • Pirated Links: Links to pirated games, movies and such on should not be posted on forums. (Use PM)
    • Advertisement: Don't post other servers IPs, links to the website, forums, TeamSpeak, Discord, Social Media, or IRC Channels.
    • Referral linking: Do not post any links which give you financial gain (referral linking). Eg advertisements, short links over sites like, ...
    • Sharing Personal Info: Do not post any personal information about someone else without the permission of that person.
    • Abusing: Do not abuse anything. This includes PMs, reputations, or even accidentally given admin status. Report it to the staff instead of exploiting it.
    • Other Forum Rules:
      • Do not talk about hacks, cheats or mods which affect your gameplay here.
      • Direct orders from any of our staff members must not be ignored.
      • The forum and server rules can be changed anytime without acknowledging it.
      • Not following these rules can result in a verbal warning, a temporary either permanent warning level, or might even lead to a forum ban. However, forums bans and server bans are strictly separated.
      • Use the report button below each post if you see a rulebreaker
      • Server Owners are excepted from some of these rules.

    DISCORD Rules
    • Spamming/Flooding: Spamming/Flooding would result in discord ban, please don't do it.
    • Flaming: Flame wars should not be started.
    • Using discord to avoid: If you have been muted in server for asking/saying something, again and again, you are not allowed to go on discord and start doing the same thing you were doing in the server that resulted in Mute.
    • Insulting: You are not allowed to insult, and the criteria for insulting are the same as in server rules.

    These are the rules and can be updated or changed without any notice.
    Please follow the rules to avoid any kind of circumstance.
    Got a question? Make a thread about it or PM admins.

    Mini Missions.

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